A Court of Feels and Fangirling

Do you aspire to be a true fangirl? (Or a fanboy).

screen shot 2019-01-25 at 8.18.41 am
A Picture I Stole from Amazon

I thought I’d get this mug as a gift, for my friend Nova, a huge fan of Sarah J, Maas’ A Court of Thorns and Roses Series.

In hindsight, I really wish I hadn’t bought it.

When the mug arrived, I took it out of the box and was at first content with it; I planned to wrap it up and bring it to her. Then I looked closer and noticed that the mug said “fandirling.” (If any you know what a fandirl is, please tell me, because I still have no idea.)

What Actually Arrived

I emailed the company, and they apologized and offered to send me another mug with the correct printing. But when the mug came, it also said “fandirling.”

This happened again until I had four misprinted mugs and decided that I really didn’t need any more. But hey, I was refunded and got four mugs for the price of zero, which I consider to be a pretty good deal.

This left me a couple of days before Christmas with no great present for my friend. Luckily, Nova is a sweetheart and thought my story was hilarious, and I got her something better after Christmas.

Moral of the story is…it’s good to be fandirl? One day, I hope I can look back on this story and laugh, without remembering my utter feeling of dismay when I opened theĀ fourth wrong mug.


What book merchandise do you guys own? How did you come by it?
